Tithes and Offerings

“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in” – Matthew 25:35.

As followers of Jesus, we believe in giving to go hand in hand with our relationship with God.

The following options are available to help with giving your tithes and offering – direct online or via electronic transfer to LBM’s account. For non-members of LBM, we’d like to invite you in the same way and we greatly appreciate your support, acknowledging your trust in God as we do.

Online * Update In Progress *

1. Enter Amount below and if you wish to add your name or a message to LBM please add them in the Comment box.
2. Click Transfer Now button. Note: You may need to click Click Here> if you’re not taken to Paypal’s website within 5 seconds.
3. Select Pay with a credit or debit card within Paypal’s payment page or log in if you have a Paypal account.Follow payment instructions. When done you will land back on our LBM website.

Bank Transfer

Please use the below details if you wish to transfer by Bank EFT (within your login portal issued by your bank or making payments by visiting your bank).

Name: Living Bread Ministries
BSB:032 078
Account Number:265312